Agricultural Chemicals (M) Sdn Bhd is committed to develop, maintain and promote a safe and healthy working environment. Therefore, it is our commitment to conduct our business operations aligned with the effort to protect the safety and health of our stakeholders. In order to achieve the desired goals, it is therefore our policy:
1. To prevent injury and ill health at our workplaces and is appropriate to the purpose, size and context of the organization and our OH&S risks and OH&S opportunities.
2. To eliminate hazards and reduce Occupational Health&Safety risk at workplace by implementing appropriate, effective control measures.
3. To comply with all Health and Safety legislations, regulations and other requirements and to work closely with regulatory authorities to improve the safety and health aspects.
4. To employ an effective accident and illness prevention program that involves all our employees in the effort to eliminate potential workplace hazards.
5. To continually improve our safety and health performance through the maintenance and operation of our documented Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
6. To encourage the consultation and participation within company to promote and maintain safe and healthy working environment for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health.
7. To make our safety and health policy available to the public and all interested parties who have a reasonable need to examine it.
8. To review the safety and health policy periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate to the organization.
ACM Environmental (E) Policy

Agricultural Chemicals (M) Sdn Bhd is committed to make continual improvement of environmental performance and also prevention of pollution in our activities, products and services through the implementation of Environmental Management System. In order to achieve the desired goals, it is therefore our policy:
1. To protect the environment from pollution arising caused by the nature of our business.
2. To comply with the relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements.
3. To build awareness of our workforce, customers, vendors and other stakeholders on the environmental issues.
4. To promote reduce, re-use and recycle of the wastes.
5. To use sustainable technologies and practices for prevention of pollution and continual improvement on environmental performance.
6. To review and improve on the effectiveness of our Environmental Management System.
This policy will be communicated to all employees and interested parties and be available to the public through selected media.